
You are not alone...

Mental illness. It is more common than most people probably think. Mental illness can strike anybody at any time. There can be some serious consequences on the sufferer themselves and for those around them, work colleagues or family members. Someone who suffers from a mental illness can totally transform and it’s often hard to know how to communicate or relate to them.

What is a mental illness?
It is a psychological or behavioural pattern that can happen to anyone and causes distress or disability that is not expected as part of "normal development" or culture. It is any disease of the mind. Some one who suffers from a mental illness has emotional and behavioural problems, serious enough to need psychiatric intervention. It is a general term that refers to psychological, emotional, or behavioral disorders.

Mental Illness can include:
* Depression

* Bipolar Disorder (previously called manic depression)

* Schizophrenia

* Anxiety Disorders

* Eating Disorders

* Personality Disorders

Me personally, I have been struggling with both anxiety and depression. I also in the past have struggled with eating disorders. And it has been a struggle. I was diagnosed with depression about two years ago, but like many people I did not seek treatment. I thought the problem could go away, or I could deal with it using my own willpower and self medication. I did not talk about it to many people I guess because of shame and guilt. I didn’t want to look like a weak person. I did not want to be judged.

I believe that after a series of life changing events, high stress situations, personal family tragedies, childhood abuses, and genetics all contributed to where I am today, caused such a severe and serious breakdown and helped me get on the road to being healthy again.

Depression and anxiety are serious illnesses. The sad thing is that no one can see that you are sick. Many people have the mentality “you don’t look sick, you must not be, your not coughing, your not sneezing, you look normal”. Mental illnesses may not affect people visibly. But if someone is dealing with these disorders it is a serious illness and requires the same type of recovery as any other illness. Support from friends, family, and coworkers, treatment such as medications and therapy can truly help the recovery of someone dealing with this illness.

Having a mental disorder does not make you a weak person. It is a medical condition and should be treated seriously. If you feel you suffer from a mental illness, or know someone who does, talk to someone. It is so important not to try and diagnose yourself or just hope your symptoms will go away. Talk to your doctor so you can start a treatment program that works for you, to get better!

I so appreciate all the true support, respect, love and time I have been given from family, friends and coworkers.
I am truly blessed for the special people who are helping me heal.

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