
When Panic Attacks...

   Since I began my treatment for depression and anxiety, I personally have had a harder time dealing with my anxiety. Part of that is, I am still learning how to create a balance in my life. With work, family, friends and other projects in my life. The more I have going on, the more anxious I feel, the more compulsive and obsessive my thoughts get, the more stressed and overwhelmed I get. Not fun. I am working on it, support from family and friends help. Taking the time to educate myself also and treating myself all helps.
   To break it down...people with anxiety disorders feel a ton, I mean excessive anxiety, fear or worry. Often people suffering from anxiety disorders avoid situations that might make them feel anxious. Some develop compulsive routines or rituals that make them feel better. These feelings of anxiety can interfere with school, work, social activites, and/or relationships.

   There are different types of anxiety disorders...

Strong persistent fear of situations or objects. (animals, flying, heights ect.)

Panic Disorder:
Reoccurring, unexpected panic attacks, followed up by at least a month of consistent concern about suffering from another attack.
Panick attack symptoms can be: rapid heart beat, sweating, shaking, choking sensations or "lump in the throat" feeling, smothering or shortness of breath sensations, chest pain or discomfort, nausea, indigestion or abdominal discomfort, dizziness or unsteadiness, feeling "unreal" or "dreamy", feeling "outside yourself" or like "you dont exist", fear of losing control or going "crazy", numbness or tingling sesations, chills or hot flashes, muscle pain especially in the neck, back or shoulders.

-For me, this is what triggered my "breakdown" as I like to call it. The day my body said "hey! I can't do this anymore! I'm tired, I'm overwhelmed. I'm shutting down, I need rest." I ignored my depression and anxiety for too long. I suffered from a number of panic attacks which really scared me. I went straight to my doctor, I knew something was not right. (Panic disorder involves worry about what the attacks mean or a significant change in behaviours because of them.)

Social Anxiety Disorder:
Is anxiety due to a social or performance situation. (Going to parties, what seems to be the simplilest thing like going to the grocery store) Symptoms include racing heart beat, the shakes, sweating, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, muscle tension, confusion.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):
This is not just experienced by war veterans. These can be triggered by any frightening experience where someone was physically or mentally harmed or harm was threatened. (Like; rape, child abuse, natural disaster) Sufferers usually flash back to these traumatic times, have persistent frightening thoughts and memories, anger or irritablity.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ( OCD):
Obsessions-persistent ideas, implusles, thoughts and or images that are unsettling and or inappropriate and can cause anxiety or stress. People with obsession often try to ignore them or counteract them with other thoughts or actions (compulsions)

Compulsions-are repetitive routines or rituals like; handwashing, "hair twisting", repeating words or counting that happen in response to an obsession.

   The development of anxiety disorders can be caused by genetics, biological, developmental and things like workplace or home stress, and social factors.

A great website to visit is www.anxietycanada.ca. A registered Canadian, non-profit organization who aims to promote the prevention, treatment, and management of anxiety disorders and to improve the lives of people who suffer from them.

   Anxiety disorders can be treated! There are medications, support groups and therapy that can help calm the anxious thoughts, and actions and develop skills to minimize and cope with the symptoms. As I said, I still struggle with my anxiety disorders. But I have alot more control over them, and understand more since seeking treatment. But it is very important to talk to someone. Your doctor or a friend, if you or someone you know suffers from an anxiety disorder. Support is one of the most important things that has helped me and can help anyone suffering from a anxiety disorder.

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